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2019 Turner's Women in Tech Scholarship

At DigitalCrafts, we have a mission to make a career in technology as accessible as possible, and that mission of accessibility and representation will continue in 2019.

To help us in that aim, we are proud to announce that we have partnered with Turner Broadcasting to launch the Turner Women in Tech Scholarship, a $1,500 award for two women attending our Atlanta bootcamps this year.

How to Apply

The application process is simple: After finishing DigitalCrafts' admissions process and receiving an acceptance letter, women can apply for the Turner scholarship.

One of the goals of the partnership is to award funding to those who will pay it forward. In your application, be sure to tell us where you're coming from, what you hope to achieve, and who you want to help or inspire.

Other Benefits

Scholarship recipients will receive the award after successfully passing DigitalCrafts' Immersive or Flex program.

Those who are awarded the scholarship will receive other benefits, like the opportunity to meet with Turner's Technology and Community Team to learn more about working at Turner, getting involved in the Atlanta tech scene, and ways of collaborating with others so that together, we can achieve even greater things.

Turner's Women in Tech Scholarship can be combined with DigitalCrafts' automatic scholarship for women, totaling $3,000 in scholarships for Immersive students and $2,500 for Flex students.

Get started today! Download our catalog for more information about our programs.

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Liz Carley Liz Carley Director of Operations