Are Bootcamp Graduates Successful?

Hear From Alumni // Career Services

What DigitalCrafts Grads Have to Say

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Kennith N.. Cybersecurity 2023

"Digital Crafts stood out to me because of its commitment to hands-on learning and real-world application. The program challenges one's problem-solving and critical thinking skills setting apart Digital Crafts from other programs. "

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Associate Software Engineer @ CarFax

Jon C. Web Development 2022

"DigitalCrafts was the one that stuck out to me as I was looking through the various bootcamps. The big technologies chosen was Node JS with Express as well as JavaScript with React. Based on the research I’d seen prior, before this, like those were the in-demand technologies and appears to be what the trend is going to be."

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Software Engineer @ JPMorgan Chase

Ciara C. Web Development 2022

"My advice for incoming and prospective students would be that if you’re interested in learning how to code, then to take the leap. I was interested in learning how to code and taking a bootcamp about five years ago. Until this day, I still wonder where I would be if I started then."

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IT Audit & Cyber Risk Advisory @ RISK3SIXTY

Elizabeth K. Cybersecurity 2022

"I've really enjoyed my instructor. He’s super knowledgeable and has so much experience as a cybersecurity professional. I feel like he goes above and beyond for us and genuinely cares about us being the best cybersecurity professionals that we can be."

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Self Employed @ JS Consulting

Jake S. Web Development 2022

"I think the great thing about DigitalCrafts and about bootcamps in general is that it gives you job ready as far as getting your portfolio ready, getting your projects ready, making sure you’re learning languages that are relevant to what’s in the industry right now."

Empowering Students and Building Confidence

Student Review

“Not only have I gained the necessary knowledge to thrive in the IT field; I know how to get there, and how to stay progressing in success, and I have an incredible network of connections and unwavering support to do so.”

Julie D

Cody S.

Alumnus, 2023

Student Review

"I've really enjoyed my instructor. He’s super knowledgeable and has so much experience as a cybersecurity professional. I feel like he goes above and beyond for us and genuinely cares about us being the best cybersecurity professionals that we can be."

Victoria W

Elizabeth K.

Alumnus, 2022

continuous support

Mentorship Program

DigitalCrafts has established a mentorship program for alumni and current students. Alumni can sign up to be a mentor for current students or recent alumni. DigitalCrafts maintains the database of alumni mentors and manages the sign-up process for those seeking to be mentored.

Getting Ready For The Job Search

Our commitment to our students doesn't stop in the classroom. A dedicated career services team is available in class and after for resume review, portfolio guidance, introductions, and much more. Getting a job is tough, and only you can put in the work in class and after, but we'll do everything we can to help along the way.

  • Build A Professional Portfolio
  • Enhance Your Online Presence
  • Mock Interview Opportunities
  • Resume Reviews
  • Guest Speakers (If Available)
  • Technical Challenges
  • Virtual Career Fairs
  • Career Talks / Presentations